Peter Tulchinsky is the new Director of Campus of Recreation. Photo: Jared Burleson, The Daily Mississippian.
When you walk into the Turner Center, you might see a new face in the midst of the numerous renovations.
New Director of Campus Recreation Peter Tulchinsky, who was hired in February and was previously director of campus recreation at Elon University, is overseeing the renovations to the recreation center.
Renovations to the Turner Center began Feb. 10 of this year and are slated for completion by Sept. 1.
Some of the major changes that the center anticipates are the addition of a rock wall and expansion to current workout facilities. Despite the construction, existing services will remain uninterrupted, with the exception of locker availability. There will be a brief period of time during which lockers will be unavailable to rent, as part of the expansion includes the addition of more lockers.
“There will be completely renovated locker rooms with new lockers, benches and shower facilities,” Tulchinsky said.
Tulchinsky also said these changes will not impact the Turner Center’s hours of operation.
Zack Breeding, junior public policy and recreation administration major, said the renovations are worth the inconvenience.
“It’s a little inconvenient to not have a locker there anymore, but the renovations are long overdue,” he said.
Some of the expansion plans pertain to the ever-popular fitness classes. These classes can easily become crowded, with some late arrivals being unable to participate. In order to alleviate this strain, there will be additions to the lower level of the center.
“There will be a new cycling studio for group fitness classes, as well as an additional group fitness studio for classes such as Zumba,” Tulchinsky said.
The renovations will also include a new office for Ole Miss Outdoors and a game room. These additions are funded by the university.
Other organizations have also assisted with funding. The Ole Miss Parents Association donated a number of new workout machines. These donations primarily consist of stationary bikes and new rowing machines for group fitness classes to use.
While the expansion is largely funded by parents and alumni, the general public is encouraged to donate as well. Since construction is expected to continue through the summer and into the fall, all contributions through the Department of Recreation website will be welcomed to help see the project to its completion.
“The Department of Campus Recreation is poised to move forward in its efforts to encourage and support healthy, active lifestyles for the university community,” stated the department in a release on its website. “An innovative Turner Center expansion will meet the recreational needs of our growing student body and serve as a beacon as part of Mississippi’s flagship institution strengthening efforts to create healthy lifestyles for its citizens.”
According to Director of Campus Recreation Emeritus Bill Kingery, the Turner Center is a 30-year-old facility that sees more than 3,000 people each day, not including the students who take recreational classes for school credit. Kingery retired this year after 40 years as director of campus recreation.
— Katelyn Miller