Briefs do not include every incident from the past week. All suspects are presumed innocent until proven guilty. Report compiled by Lasherica Thornton.
Animal complaint: 6
Auto burglary: 2
Careless driving: 10
Civil matter: 5
Credit card fraud: 5
Disturbance: 5
Disturbing the peace: 5
False pretense: 1
Fireworks complaint: 1
Forgery: 1
Gun shots: 1
Malicious mischief: 3
Noise complaint: 7
Panhandling: 1
Petit larceny: 5
Phone harassment: 2
Public drunk: 3
Scam: 2
Vagrancy: 1
Welfare concern: 13
Careless driving: 4
Disturbing the peace: 1
Domestic violence-simple assault: 1
DUI: 8
Minor in possession of alcohol: 1
Open container: 1
Public drunk: 2
Public intoxication: 2
Possession of drug paraphernalia: 2
Possession of schedule 2 and 4 narcotics: 2
Trespassing: 2
Computer crime: 1
Embezzlement: 1
Harassment: 1
Larceny: 1
Motor vehicle accident: 8
Simple assault: 1
Vandalism to vehicle: 1
Weapon on school property: 1