The infamous A$AP Mob has returned yet again to gift those less fashionable with the second installment of the Cozy Tape series. This hip-hop conglomerate...

Pete Holmes, like so many comedians before, has now morphed his life and craft into a television series. Unlike many sitcoms before him, though, Holmes’...

Since its premiere on March 31, the Netflix series “13 Reasons Why” has become increasingly popular across campus and enthralled students. The...

“Table 19” photo courtesy: Watching Anna Kendrick’s latest feature, “Table 19,” feels a little bit like going...

Tory Lanez performs at The Lyric Wednesday night. Photo by: Ariel Cobbert Last night, The Lyric Oxford hosted one of its most highly anticipated shows...

The plot twist-style movie — often associated with M. Night Shyamalan — can provide a delightful or anxiety-riddled experience for the viewer. The...