Wednesday rally supports the renewal of Jones’ contract

Posted on Mar 26 2015 - 9:09am by Maggie McDaniel 
Elizabeth Heiskell and Sarah Virden Gillis cheer during a rally to support Chancellor Dan Jones at the University of Mississippi, Wednesday, March 25, 2015. (DM Photo | Cady Herring)

Elizabeth Heiskell and Sarah Virden Gillis cheer during a rally to support Chancellor Dan Jones at the University of Mississippi, Wednesday, March 25, 2015. (DM Photo | Cady Herring)

Excited chants and cheers erupted in front of the Lyceum Wednesday as 2,500 Ole Miss students, faculty, staff, alumni and members of the Oxford community gathered to support the reinstatement of University of Mississippi Chancellor Dan Jones.

Phillip Waller, junior and director of communications for the “I Stand with Chancellor Jones” rally, started the event by welcoming and thanking everyone who donated their time and money in support of the rally.

“This rally would have not been possible without the support from you,” Waller said. “Again, thank you for all the many concerned groups that have come together today. We are privileged to be working with faculty, staff, alumni and friends of the greater University of Mississippi family.”

Alex Borst, co-organizer of the rally, led the crowd in the reading of the UM Creed. Ryan Felder, fellow co-organizer of the event, gave a speech about the creed.

Felder was amazed by the large attendance at the event and did not think people were going to show up prior to the event. In his speech, he expressed to the crowd how Jones abides and lives by the creed.

“As the leader of our university community, Chancellor Jones truly attempts to uphold these values, but, more than that, he encourages us to try to do the same, not with words or Facebook statuses, but with his actions,” Felder said.

Felder closed his speech by asking for the Institutions of Higher Learning to reinstate Jones.

“So without complexity and pride, I ask that you please reconsider your decision,” Felder said. “I ask that you please consider what is best for the state of Mississippi and her flagship university, and I ask would you kindly reinstate Chancellor Jones. Thank you.”

The speech was followed by several readings of resolutions by Pearce Crosland, representing the Associated Student Body, Michael Barnett, Faculty Senate chair and Carl Hill, Staff Council president.

Chants followed, such as “Dan, Dan, he’s our man. We won’t let this decision stand” and “We stand with Dan,” led by rally organizers.

The speeches were concluded with the Ole Miss Alma Mater and closing remarks were made by Allen Coon, rally social media director, and senior classics major Sierra Mannie.

Mannie said under Jones’ leadership she has felt safe on the Ole Miss campus as a person and woman of color.

“Those who truly love Ole Miss push forward for necessary change, leadership and inclusiveness for all who wish to be educated here. It is laughable to act as if impeding progress is somehow healthy for the university’s continued success. For Ole Miss to grow and rightfully be the flagship university for the state of Mississippi, it’s student body, it’s alumni and all of it’s supporters must not only support Dr. Jones but also allow those whose experiences are germane to the issues of whether or not he should be here.”

Maggie McDaniel