Annual RebelTHON to be held Saturday

Posted on Apr 10 2015 - 10:48am by Lana Ferguson

The third annual twelve-hour dance marathon, RebelTHON, will begin at 7 p.m. Saturday at the Jackson Avenue Center .

RebelTHON is Ole Miss’s own version of a nationwide movement, Dance Marathon, which raises money for local Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals.

This year’s event will donate its proceeds to Blair E. Batson Children’s Hospital in Jackson.

Senior Zachery Newton is serving as the executive director for this year’s RebelTHON.

“I’m very excited just to see the progress that the organization has made in three years,” Newton said. “It has gone from an idea to a full-fledged, recognized event on campus in a short while almost solely in thanks to the hard work that students have put into it.”

RebelTHON has sponsored several other fundraising efforts throughout the school year, including selling t-shirts and hosting a RebelTHON night at Funky’s. The dance marathon, which takes place tomorrow, is the final event.

“RebelTHON is meant to be a celebration of year-long fundraising effort, so take a chance to just let go at RebelTHON and immerse yourself into what’s really going on,” said junior Jonathan Larkin, the director of non-Greek relations.

Larkin has been actively involved with RebelTHON since his freshman year.

“RebelTHON is an incredible experience. There will be games, dancing, personal stories from families, great food and an opportunity to give back to children within Mississippi,” Larkin said. “Each hour, the theme changes, giving a new environment and outlook, so nothing will get boring.”

RebelTHON tries its best to prepare participants for the length of the night. They have sent out a “RebelTHON Dancer Survival Guide” to those already registered. Tips include getting enough sleep, drinking plenty of water  and wearing comfortable shoes.

There is also a page within the guide that references how to interact with the families.

Along with students, children that are currently patients at Blair E. Batson Children’s Hospital and their families are invited to attend. The RebelTHON organizers encourage participants to talk and interact with the families.

One of RebelTHON’s major ideas is “standing for those who can’t.”

“We are asking students to sacrifice a Saturday night, comfort, sleep, time and maybe some other things in recognition of the sacrifices that so many kids and families have to make,” Newton said. “Compared to the child receiving chemotherapy or the parent who has to quit his or her job to care for their sick child, our sacrifices are practically nonexistent.”

Students can register for the event online at for $15 as an individual. RebelTHON merchandise will be available for purchase during the event.

Doors will open at 5:30 p.m. Saturday.

Lana Ferguson