IHL Commissioner Borsig requests to step down

Posted on Apr 10 2015 - 10:52am by DM Staff Report

Incoming Institutions of Higher Learning Commissioner Jim Borsig announced Thursday that he has requested to step down from his position with the IHL and intends to remain president of the Mississippi University for Women. Borsig was appointed commissioner by the Board of Trustees and was scheduled to assume his new position on April 15.

“I first want to make it perfectly clear that I am in full support of the board of trustees,” Borsig said in a press release Thursday. “I have enjoyed working with the board, both as a university president and as commissioner-elect. The Board is fully dedicated to the success of the university system and I share in this goal. After reflection and prayer, I have realized that my true passion — and my calling at this point in my life — is to serve our state as a university president.”

Borsig told The Clarion-Ledger the controversy surrounding the non-renewal of Chancellor Dan Jones’ contract did not affect his decision.

“Anyone who has followed my career over 30 year knows I’ve dealt with hard things and dealt with controversy,” Borsig said. “That has absolutely nothing to do this.”

Details regarding the search for a new Commissioner of Higher Education will be discussed by the board at its next regularly scheduled meeeting next Thursday in Jackson.

The state College Board made the decision not to renew Jones’ contract in March. The board’s reasonings for the non-renewal was because of contract management issues at The University of Mississippi Medical Center. The University of Mississippi community reacted immediately to the issue by organizing a rally of 2,500 participants and drafting resolutions. After two weeks of negotiations, Jones and the board failed to reach an agreement. The discussions ended last week when when the chancellor held a press conference in Oxford to announce would deny the extension of his contract for just 21 months.