Charlie Davis, who was born and raised in Oxford, will be performing “GUMP: With Your Pal, Charlie Davis,” his original comedy show and re-enactment...

Ole Miss and Mississippi State met Tuesday night for the 39th installment of the Governor’s Cup at Trustmark Park in Pearl. The two teams played a track...

From the cinnamon challenge to the gallon challenge, dangerous internet dares have been going viral for years. The latest one making headlines is the Tide...

I love being on time. When I wake up every morning, my brain shouts, “Woody, you MUST be on time!” Immediately, I want to begin moving. This goes for...

The Grammy-nominated blues artist and renowned drummer Cedric Burnside will return to the Proud Larry’s stage with the Cedric Burnside Product tonight...

Amy Fluker, visiting assistant professor of history, will deliver a lecture titled “The Bell Witch of Mississippi: Slavery and the Supernatural”...

Charlie Buckley’s style manipulates the photos he’s taken and recreates them in a more vivid image.  Photo By Madison Wren About 15 years...

Jim Hood is a busy man. After 13 years as Mississippi’s attorney general, the Chickasaw County native is well-acquainted with his home state’s strengths...

Welcome back to part two of our Mississippi playlist. This installment features a few easy listening indie/rock tunes from bands like Oxford’s own...

As advocates for our community, we sometimes become so focused on the fight against poverty that we don’t pause to build the bridges that will help folks...