Who tweeted it: Robert Nkemdiche or Jaden Smith

Posted on Jan 30 2015 - 9:29am by Sierra Mannie

Football is an intellectual’s sport. Only the sharpest of minds can extend nimble fingers to thread together the intricate rules that cage the game; and as that counts for spectators, it goes double for the players. Robert “da Prophet da Gawd da Messiah” Nkemdiche (@AceBoogie_01) dropkicks the dumb jock stereotype and flaunts his acuity in the digital realm just as well as he does in the football one; whereas some players, like Seattle Seahawks running back Marshawn Lynch, prefer to move in relative silence, Nkemdiche moves mountains in 140 characters or less. Honestly, we haven’t done enough to deserve this free knowledge.

Nkemdiche’s (Nkemkierkegaard’s? Nkemnietzsche’s?) tweets echo in sentiment and format another one of my favorite internet thinkers: Jaden Smith. But if you’re like me, the retweets pile up fast, and sometimes, I forget who exactly suggests that babies are smarter than most adults and that dogs prefer chocolate chips in their salsa, or something. Check out the quiz below and test your Twitter philosopher IQ by deciding whether Jaden Smith or Robert Nkemdiche said it. It’ll be hard. Answers will be included. Don’t cheat!

Tweets have been edited for capitalization. I didn’t want to make it too easy.

1. I tend to mumble when I speak, so do babies.

A. Jaden Smith B. Robert Nkemdiche


2. The head of the Sphinx will fall off in the near future.
A. Jaden Smith B. Robert Nkemdiche


3. Telepathy is perfectly natural.
A. Jaden Smith B. Robert Nkemdiche


4. What’s bed time? Lofty thoughts get awfully awkward.
A. Jaden Smith B. Robert Nkemdiche


5. When she’s so fine that you see a picture and immediately start doing push up.
A. Jaden Smith B. Robert Nkemdiche


6. Take a sip please, dehydration is not good for you.
A. Jaden Smith B. Robert Nkemdiche


7. Does anybody have a GameCube adaptor?
A. Jaden Smith B. Robert Nkemdiche


8. Who’s comin over
A. Jaden Smith B. Robert Nkemdiche


9. “Peterson that looks like a jolly rancher to me.”
A. Jaden Smith B. Robert Nkemdiche


10. Check my psyche. If you may. What is what? Who is who? No wonder the warm weather is excepted. The cold truth. Deeper dementions.
A. Jaden Smith B. Robert Nkemdiche


We have done nothing to deserve AceBoogie_001. Or Jaden Smith. Follow them both on Twitter and learn something.


1.) B   2.) A   3.) B.   4.) B   5.) A   6.) B   7.) B   8.) A   9.) A   10.) B

Sierra Mannie is a senior classics major from Ridgeland.

Sierra Mannie