Advice to freshmen taking finals

Posted on Dec 4 2013 - 7:50am by Anthony Dicandia

As finals week sneaks up on freshmen who are taking college exams for the first time, many wonder how to prepare and where to study.

Bridget Hester, an academic adviser for the Center for Student Success and First-Year Experience, believes that the J.D. Williams Library might not be the best choice for students who lack a keen sense of focus.

“If you’re easily distracted, you might want to stay away from the more crowded areas, like the library,” Hester said. “If you get distracted by things in your dorm room, like the television, then change things up. If you need to change up the locations on different days, then do it, so you don’t get stuck in a rut.”

Sophomore management information systems major Kelsey Haworth agrees.

“Some nights in the library can get kind of loud, and it’s hard to focus,” she said. “Sometimes you can’t find a seat or a study spot, which can be stressful.”

Sophomore political science major Chas Ellzey said the study rooms in the Ridge freshman dorms work out very well.

“The study rooms they built in the dorms are actually pretty nice,” Ellzey said. “I studied in them last year and never had a problem.”

Hester recommends taking study breaks to stay focused.

“One of my favorite activities when I was in grad school studying was to go outside and walk around,” Hester said. “It’s a beautiful campus, and we have the Grove. You can walk around the Circle, just get some fresh air and take your mind off your studies for a few minutes.”

Hester also said she believes studying further in advance of your test in shorter sessions can lead to better results.

“Start studying a couple weeks in advance,” Hester said. “Study for hour intervals and then take a break. Don’t try to cram, and give your brain a break from time to time.”

Haworth said she has several tips to share with freshmen taking their first college exams.

“Don’t cram, get your stuff prepared in advance and secure your Scantrons early,” Haworth said. “Find a place you can study best now; don’t try to find a study spot at the last minute. I think that will set them up for success.”


-Anthony Dicandia