ASB Attorney General Rob Pillow’s letter

Posted on Apr 8 2013 - 4:32am by Rob Pillow

In an effort to bring some closure to recent controversy surrounding the ruling of ASB Judicial Council regarding the title of “Colonel Rebel”, I have asked Ms. Courtney Pearson to join me along with two of her associates and two of my associates to examine process and policy, gain better understanding of both, and provide helpful information to those students who have had questions.

Courtney agreed to meet with me and we will strive to examine every detail of the process. In order to have qualified counsel, I am seeking to have someone from the UM law school serve as an advisor to our group.

This is not an effort to overturn the decision, yet a step to examine, critique, and revise existing policies and procedures.

It is my hope that at the conclusion of our work that we will have reached a consensus that will allow us to move forward to serve the Ole Miss students with a sound foundation, a united front, and resolve to serve as representatives of the Ole Miss that we love.

I believe that instead of rushing into a decision, the correct step would be to take my time in order to examine every step of the process in order to reach a conclusion that best represents our ASB administration, the constitution of the ASB, and the values and opinions of each student on this great campus.

I want to thank Courtney for her enthusiasm in offering her knowledge on this subject and I believe that by working together, we can create a better Ole Miss of today and ensure a great Ole Miss of tomorrow.

Hotty Toddy,

Rob Pillow
ASB Attorney General