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The concept of “whiteness” is probably foreign to a lot of people. Race, as we popularly view it, is something simple. Unambiguous. Either you have white skin, or you don’t. In reality, who or what qualifies as “white” is far more complex. The George Zimmerman verdict shined a very public light...

You say that the lack of indictment in the State of Missouri vs. Darren Wilson case is perfectly reasonable. You say he had plenty of reason to kill Michael...

In the wake of a grand jury decision not to indict Darren Wilson for the murder of Mike Brown, there have naturally been massive amounts of highly justified...

Life is a beautiful blessing that is bestowed upon us from above. Life is all of the right forces of nature coming together to create an individual unique...

It’s pretty irresponsible to ignore police brutality just because you feel as if black people should stop complaining about racism. Last week, a grand...

As I sat there and listened to the prosecutor say the words “no indictment,” tears filled my eyes. I was asked, “Did you expect differently?” No,...

That shoe. That red shoe. She had to have that red shoe. And the left one, too, but that was beyond the point. She’d have to have them. But how much?...

In a cruel display of hissphobia and the complete subjugation of feline female sexuality, he (an Anglo-Saxon angling to taunt her by flaunting white/male/human...

I don’t have anything snappy to say this week. I can’t pull out my usual attempts at humor to make what starts out as an angry diatribe in my head...

A friend once texted me about my tweeting. “Your tweets worry me,” she said. “I want to give you a hug.” Reading this, I remember feeling a strange...