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My favorite thing about introducing myself has to be the immediate response following my name: “Why you talk like that?” plus an outburst of annoying laughter.  Mentally I respond, “Why do I talk like what? Intelligently?” See, what pisses me off about this statement isn’t the fact that you acknowledge...

Microaggressions are described as exchanges where a member or members of a dominant race says or does something that belittles or mocks a member or members...

It goes without saying that feminism is on the rise. Many columns in this publication, as well as other publications, have given its readers many interpretations...

Women are not just pieces of meat, and should not be treated as such. The argument is always that a person should not be objectified, and I totally agree....

Dear Daughter, As I get older, I realize there are a number of things my mother said to me that I wish I had the sense to believe. She warned me about...

On Monday, I had the privilege of hearing one of the world’s foremost literary critics speak on the incomparable American poet from my own hometown,...

“Can I take your order, Sir… Ma’am… Uh…?” People get funny when they can’t immediately figure out your gender. If you haven’t had any personal...

Many students including myself have heard of this epidemic called Ebola but are oblivious to information concerning its causation, infection, symptoms...

Scrolling through my Facebook feed this summer, I saw one of the many “50 Shades of Grey” blog posts that have filled my timeline for seemingly forever....

COURTESY: JUSTINA GREER AND QUA SAYLES Left to right, Justina Greer and Qua Sayles Justina: Before coming to college, I had never been in a serious relationship...