Trump will bring the change America needs

Posted on Nov 4 2016 - 8:01am by OpinionDesk
This column is a part of a head-to-head series on the presidential election.
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It is hard to believe, but the president election is only days away. Though this year has been full of insults, it is important to remember the real issues on the ballot.

For conservatives, many of the principles we believe in are at stake.

When it comes to abortion, Donald Trump has made it clear he will support the fundamental right to life.

In the third presidential debate, Trump committed to being anti-abortion and to appointing anti-abortion judges to the Supreme Court. Secretary Clinton made it clear that she is against reversing Roe v. Wade.

Jeremiah 1:5 reads “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you.”

All life is precious to God, and the taking of that life is wrong. In God’s eyes, a life in the womb is the same as a life outside the womb. Hillary Clinton does not believe this, while Donald Trump does.

The borders of our country are out of control. In 2015, the Center for Immigration Studies estimated that more than 2.5 million illegal immigrants had crossed the southern border during Barack Obama’s administration.

Donald Trump believes in legal immigration, while still enforcing our borders. He will end sanctuary cities, which shelter illegal immigrants.

Secretary Clinton has said that our southern border is “the most secure border we have ever had.” She will expand the controversial executive amnesty that President Obama started.

To preserve the safety of our people, our borders must be secure. There is no question that Donald Trump’s positions will bring change to our immigration system, while Hillary Clinton’s will bring amnesty and open borders.

Henry David Thoreau once said “That government is best which governs least.” Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton have wide disagreement over how large our government should be.

Hillary Clinton believes in more government intervention in people’s lives. She has committed to vast spending increases and new programs under pressure from radical leftists like Bernie Sanders. Her plan includes chipping away at law-abiding Americans’ second amendment rights.

Donald Trump has pledged to reduce taxes and eliminate special interest loopholes. He will also preserve and protect the second amendment and not force mandates from Washington, D.C, on the American people.

The choice Americans have to make on Nov. 8 is extremely clear.

Hillary Clinton’s radical positions on abortion, immigration and government intervention disqualify her from getting my vote.

Donald Trump is the only candidate who will preserve American values and secure our country so we can move toward a better future. Americans deserve better than the past eight years, and with Donald Trump in office, we can accomplish real change.

Matt Sewell is junior chemical engineering major from Clarksdale.

Check out other election opinion columns at the DM Online!

Clinton is the only qualified choice for President

Trump will bring the change America needs

I refuse to vote for the lesser evil next week