Our country has no good options for President

Posted on Sep 15 2016 - 8:01am by Michael Lanagan

The American public has seemed to finally grasp the reality that we lack a solid candidate to lead this nation, and the election is only a couple months away.

It is hard to imagine how two people with such high unfavorability came to be the two major party candidates, and thereby the only two choices that have any real chance of winning.

Either party could have a landslide victory if that party could just simply present a capable and competent nominee.

Donald Trump, where do I even start? The man’s public image is a dumpster fire. I do not believe he is actually a racist – his history would prove that – but I do believe he is a very apt businessman.

However, this is the election for the President of the United States. To be able to lead this country successfully, one must be exceptional and knowledgeable in all facets of life.

The archetypal leader is who must emerge from the crowd of politicians to lead this nation. Not a wealthy man with a temper and distaste for a politically correct society – as much as I may hate political correctness myself.

Donald Trump continues to make a fool of himself publicly and embarrass the GOP. If his administration cannot even handle their public image, I find it hard to believe they could do anything else effectively. It would be a shame to have that same projection splattered on this country.

Hillary Clinton is even worse, and for several reasons.

First, her work with the Department of State has been inexcusable.

Extreme carelessness with classified material, refusal to own up to her own mistakes, her failed foreign policy implementation – the same of which she would like to continue as President – numerous political scandals (including the association of the corrupt Clinton Foundation), lying tendencies, and the abandonment of Americans in Benghazi.

Not even our third party candidates can save us. Gary Johnson and Jill Stein both are awful too. Gary Johnson initially may have stolen our attention and filled our hearts with hope. But, upon further observance of his platform, you really start to scratch your head because you realize, Gary Johnson is not a libertarian at all.

As for Jill Stein, she might as well throw in with Bernie Sanders and the rest of his comrades and give up on their misguided dream of a socialist utopia.

So, what do we do?

Vote your conscious, regardless of who you think will win; bunker down and get ready for a rough four years.

Michael Lanagan is a political science and economics double major from McKinney, Texas.