Entreaty on Behalf of Hissy Elliot, in Heat

Posted on Nov 21 2014 - 11:09am by Sierra Mannie

In a cruel display of hissphobia and the

complete subjugation of feline female sexuality, he (an Anglo-Saxon

angling to taunt her by flaunting white/male/human privilege beyond the

proverbial [plexi] glass [shower] ceiling) has

shut her in the bathroom kittycorner to his invisible

knapsack and truncated her claws to disable

her defense against her oppressors rather than allow her to roam

for pleasure, rejecting the notion that all

hissgendered female pussycats deserve

the freedom to police their own puddytats and bear

their litters as single mothers

if they please.

Sierra Mannie is a senior English major from Canton, Mississippi.


November is National Novel Writing Month. In place of editorials, the opinion section of The Daily Mississippian will be highlighting creative writing from University of Mississippi students every Friday in November. If you would like to be considered for publication, please submit all questions to thedmopinion@gmail.com.

Sierra Mannie