Foul play suspected in Otter accident

Posted on Sep 16 2013 - 10:34pm by Pete Porter

Foul play is suspected in the injury of UM student Carson Otter, according to an incident report released by the Austin Police Department.

Authorities were dispatched to Trinity and East 7th streets in response to an emergency call early Saturday morning around 2:30 a.m. According to the police report, the accident was filed as an aggravated assault.

An Associated Press article states police are investigating a verbal disturbance between a man walking along the street and some men in a passing car. Police say a passenger in the car got out of the vehicle and hit the pedestrian once, causing him to fall and hit his head. The suspects then returned to the vehicle and left the scene.

Police say no suspects have been named and no arrests have been made.

Otter, a junior from Bloomington, Ind., is in recovery at the University Medical Center-Brackenridge in Austin after having emergency brain surgery Saturday.

Otter’s mother posted to his Facebook page Monday night, “Today was a really good day for Carson. He is completely breathing on his own, is out of sedation but is really sleepy. If you would start to pray for Carson’s swelling to decrease and for him to respond to commands. That is where the need is now…There were tubes draining his incision on his skull, they were removed (great news!) He is breathing on his own and the ventilator was removed!”

Otter’s mother is posting updates on his Facebook page for those interested in staying updated on his progress. The DM will continue providing updates as new information is available.