These are the candidates running for the Associated Student Body president position for the 2017-2018 year. (Listed alphabetically.)

(Courtesy: Emily Hoffman)
Emily Hoffman
“100 years ago, this great organization was founded, and it is the legacy that they started that I intend to continue for the next 100 years. This is not a legacy that I started, and this is not a legacy that will end with me, but it is a legacy that I would like to move forward. The first aspect of my platform is leaving a social legacy. I hope to continue the inclusive social scene of Everybody’s Formal and expand this with a new event in the spring. The major plan for leaving a philanthropic legacy is an ASB Day of Service, where all the members of ASB come together to work on a service project in the LOU community instead of just completing mandatory service hours. The focus of the financial legacy is to create financial opportunities programs, such as the Rebel Reuse Store. The profits of programs such as this will allow ASB to bring back long-term programs like Future Rebels Day. The heart of the caring legacy is focused on starting long-term initiatives geared towards personal care, such as #HowAreYou, a campaign that will start in Mental Health Awareness month and focuses on starting the conversation regarding the true mental health of our students.”

(Courtesy: Dion Reed)
Dion Kevin
As a resident and active member of the Lafayette-Oxford-University community for over 21 years, my passion for our town and university has compelled me to lead and serve. I’m looking forward to an opportunity to bridge the gap between our city leadership and student leaders, as well as between our campus administration and the student body. Since 1848, the University and the Oxford-Lafayette community have been intertwined, serving each other mutually to enrich culture and grow scopes of influence. I hope to join together and ensure that our community continues to reflect our common heartbeat. I hope to fight to guarantee that we are heard, from City Hall to the Lyceum. On Tuesday, vote for a candidate who has two decades of experience representing everyone who calls Ole Miss home.

(Courtesy: Austin Spindler)
Austin Spindler
“I’m Austin Spindler, and I’m running to be the next ASB president. I have served constantly in our student government since I arrived on campus in 2014 – as a senator my freshman year, a member of the Legislative Council my sophomore year and currently in the executive branch as our secretary. These experiences have exposed me to both good and bad governance and have helped me understand that what our student body needs in a president is simply REASON. We need a president who is prepared to respect every unique belief in this community, who will efficiently use our resources to maximize the student experience, who will take action on behalf of us day in and day out, who makes sensible choices for our campus based on experience and logic, who will objectively listen to what we have to say and who believes that every voice is necessary in the decision-making process. I believe that the people of this university have shaped me into that presidential candidate – a Rebel with Reason. My reason is each and every one of you, and I hope that on Tuesday, March 7, I can be your reason, too.”