Crowds fill the Square as part of the Double Decker Arts Festival in Oxford, Miss., Saturday, April 26, 2014. (Photo/Thomas Graning)
After just over two hours of wandering amongst the booths and crowds Double Decker is still bringing in surprises.
The Best Dressed Pet Contest was a success, (try saying that fast three times). Check in later today for photos of the prettiest pooches.
In full swing now, the festival is blasting music from all corners while the hum of a happy crowd fills the air. Perhaps fueled by the sunshine and lemonade stands, attendees walk about smiling and waving while others talk to the artists presenting.
Speaking of art, the Square is filled to the brim with talent of all shapes, sizes, and predilections. A metal-ware booth sits next to paintings and across from jewelry, pottery and clothing. No matter what you love, it’s here.
Interaction between artists and festivalgoers is perhaps the most wonderful feature of Double Decker. Where else can an interested buyer speak directly with the artist who crafted the product? It’s a beautiful unity that swims amongst the constant need for refills and ATM’s.
The smell of vendors permeates the scene, and even when you aren’t hungry, you’re hungry. Among the festy-type foods also wait Oxford-based, Oxford-grown specialties. It’s easy to want and hard to choose because, let’s be honest here, you want to try it all.
The stage is alive and well, and a waiting crowd sits in the sun and breeze to hear the many talented men and women performing there.
If you’re not at Double Decker than you should be! Remember, hash tag your pictures #Mydoubledecker for a chance to be featured in The Daily Mississippian on Monday!
By Clara Turnage