Lessons from Willow and Jaden

Posted on Dec 2 2014 - 8:44am by Brice Ashford

Life is a beautiful blessing that is bestowed upon us from above. Life is all of the right forces of nature coming together to create an individual unique to all others in the universe. Regardless of the way in which a life is created it is to be celebrated and cherished. I have observed that the number of those who truly value their lives and the basic necessities that they are provided appears to be substantially lower than what should be expected.

We walk amongst the earth during one of the most pivotal eras in human history, and yet we waste time.

Throughout my very short lifetime, I have been bogged down with the senselessness that presides in our society. It is time for all of us to band together for the sake of civility and make a change. Our descendants will one day look back on the hatred, and senseless violence, that has long been perpetuated through media outlets.

Spiritual awareness is one of the single most important aspects of my life. The ability to connect with yourself spiritually affects not only yourself, but also those around you. In turn, this creates the basic society we live in. We are responsible for the things that occur. The best place promote positive change is within.

Two very young celebrities,Willow and Jaden Smith, recently participated in a New York Times interview, and in many ways it was a prime example of leadership that our youth and the younger generation needs. I feel as if we have had enough bad examples and “role models” who do not add to the values or positive beliefs of our younger generations.

During the interview, the Smiths spoke about quantum physics, prana energy and ancient texts. I absolutely love the way the questions were answered and the levels of education and consciousness that were displayed. The Smiths have helped to highlight a key factor in the process of moving forward: education. It is the root source of the preservation of humanity and all human achievements.

I am so thankful for the opportunities that have been provided for me and those around me, and words cannot provide justice for the level of  appreciation that I have for those opportunities. I am able to congregate with my peers weekly in order to obtain a level of higher understanding, and that is simply amazing. I think it is time for us all, young and old, to turn away from the things that do not add to the positive advancements of self and society. It is time for us to become one with ourselves, and make a valiant effort to create a world that is even more amazing and even more suitable.

I would love for my children to be able to walk in a world of peace and prosperity. I am no fool. I understand that absolute peace will probably never occur, but wouldn’t it be nice? The things that we often perceive as unobtainable, and are quick to give up on are made achievable by the contributions of individuals. To quote Thoreau, “if one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.”

There is absolutely no reason that mankind should be involved in such inhumane activities and behaviors. According to the Smiths, unlearning can be the hardest form of learning. Regardless, we must unlearn the things that are not necessary or helpful towards positive advancement. It is time for the beautiful lives which we are granted to be put to greater use and positive development of the individual, as well as humanity as a whole. I really hope we can all move forward together.

Brice Ashford is a junior marketing major from Ridgeland.

Brice Ashford