Letter to the editor:

Posted on Oct 30 2015 - 9:02am by David Griffith

Dear UM,


I am sickened by the news that the University has decided not to fly the state flag.  It is bad enough about all of the other political correctness Ole Miss has kowtowed to over the past 20 years with the banning of the Rebel flag, no Dixie, no Colonel Reb and now this. This is almost as bad as ISIS blowing up ancient sites in Syria!  What are you going to do next, remove the Civil War cemetery off campus?

Someone in my family has gone to Ole Miss since the Civil War.  My father, my aunts, and two grandfathers back.  I was hoping that my son would choose to be a legacy as well. With all of this leftist liberalism, I am now inclined to encourage my son to choose somewhere else to go.

You cannot change or rewrite history. You can only embrace history for what it is and educate those about the past so we as a society do not make those mistakes in the future.

Ole Miss, continue to educate. Be the conservative,  intelligent school in the South.  Be proud of your heritage and your history. Educate and get out of the leftist political agenda!



David Griffith BA ’90