Sidna Brower Mitchell when she was the editor of The Daily Mississippian in 1962. Photo Courtesy: Hottytoddy.com. Used with permission.
As editor of The Daily Mississippian when James Meredith integrated the University, I am flabbergasted by the “outrage” about Ed Meek’s post on Facebook.
Folks keep repeating that Ed’s post, statement and comments had “clear racial undertones,” “reeks of racist ideology as well as misogyny” and were “racially discriminatory.” Where are those so-called offensive, racist comments?
Perhaps he should not have posted the pictures, but do the photos of black females make the comments in the post racist? Did those critics really read Ed’s words or were they simply mimicking what they thought was politically correct for the moment?
People are so easily offended these days. Maybe they should have been around back in 1962-1963. James Meredith and I plus a handful of other students could tell them about being ostracized, threatened, demonstrated against, spit upon, censured, stalked, etc., and, believe me, the color of our skin didn’t matter. Meredith paved the way for an open university that unfortunately has reached the absurd thanks to the chancellor, some deans, some professors and some students.
I question people asking for Ed and Becky Meek’s name being removed from the Journalism Building. That is a wonderful facility thanks to the $5.3 million given by the couple along with almost endless donations, including anonymous ones helping black students. Who will pay back all that money? Who will come forward with generous future contributions?
Where are level heads?
Sidna Brower Mitchell ’63
Updated 7:02 p.m.: With the author’s approval, this post has been edited to remove certain language.