New officials elected to graduate council

Posted on Apr 4 2013 - 4:21pm by Michael Quirk

This week, the graduate student body at Ole Miss elected new officials to the Graduate Student Council, which hopes to grow its presence on campus.

Four new officials were elected to the Graduate Student Council’s executive body Tuesday.
Debates were held at the law school Monday, giving the candidates one last chance to make an impression on graduate student voters. The election was held Tuesday with four positions elected for the 2013-14 school year.
Tristen Jackson will be the new GSB president, Sujith Ramachandran the vice president, Sasikiran Nunna the secretary and Zhen Guo the treasurer.
The elections took place at the beginning of national Graduate-Professional Student Appreciation Week. Awareness of the GSB has become a priority of Courtney Rollins, a GSB senator, co-chair of the election committee and first-year graduate student in higher education.
“We’ve worked really hard the last two years to try and have a stronger presence on campus,” he said.

“We are wanting to connect to the ASB, and we believe that will help us become that stronger presence.”