Oxford considers Square curfew for minors

Posted on Sep 16 2013 - 10:36pm by Samantha Abernathy

Oxford city leaders are considering enforcing a curfew to limit the time minors spend on the Square.

Oxford Police Chief Joey East indicated that those aged 16 and under will be limited by the proposed measure aimed at preserving Oxford’s family-safe environment.

“It is not to be seen as a punishment, but as a safer alternative,” East said.

“This will help parents enforce late-night curfews.”

Oxford officials have yet to reach a consensus, however, according to Oxford Mayor Pat Patterson.

“Nothing has been decided yet,” Patterson said.

“We are only discussing the possibility of a curfew.”

Patterson noted the potential benefits of enacting the curfew as selling points of the policy.

“The curfew was proposed to ease the concerns of the late-night activity in Oxford,” Patterson said.

“A curfew will be another tool for the police department to use.”

Specific directives of the proposed policy have yet to be solidified, according to Patterson.

However, the policy is said to be applicable to Oxford as a whole, with emphasis placed on enforcement in the Square.

Junior political science major Christine Sims is in support of the proposed policy.

“I think the curfew is a good idea because younger kids will not be around the rowdiness of the college kids in the Square late at night,” Sims said.

“Also, younger kids will not have the opportunity to have access to alcohol, and bar owners will not be responsible for the younger children.”

Safety is the primary concern, according to East.

“The university life is pushing on the life of Oxford, and we just want to make sure that everyone is safe,” East said.

“Establishments will have less to worry about in terms of serving alcohol to younger high school students.”