Seersucker Shakedown benefits Oxford Film Festival

Posted on Jun 9 2016 - 8:02am by Laura Hoskins



Bill Haltom, author of “Milk and Sugar” signs a guest book at Seersucker Shakedown, Friday, June 3, 2016.

Seersucker Shakedown gathered locals on June 3 at the Powerhouse to raise funds for Oxford festivities.

The event promoted Bill Haltom’s book and comprehensive seersucker guide, “Milk and Sugar,” to support the Oxford Film Festival. All money raised went towards the ever-growing festival.

“Nothing is more fashionable than Seersucker,” Haltom, said. In his opinion, he said, the evening was the most fashionable event of the season.

Haltom’s book features tips on how to wear the suit for both men and women, but also adds history lessons for the uninformed seersucker fan.

Bud Fanton and his mother-in-law Key Bryant were inspired to attend the event because of a shared wedding memory.

Bryant was gracious enough to give her native Northerner son-in-law his first seersucker suit 26 years ago.

“He needed Southern culture,” Bryant said.

Fanton wore that very first seersucker suit to his wedding party in Oxford and was not shy in saying that every time he wears a seersucker suit, a good time is guaranteed.

The majority of attendees at the fundraiser, including a tiny chihuahua dog, were dressed from head to toe in the thinly striped, light cotton fabric. From tables covered in the material to seersucker-inspired refreshments, the event’s atmosphere took participants back in time. A live jazz band played at the event and filled the room with 1930s tunes.

“It gets people talking about the film festival in summer,” co-director of the event Michelle Emanuel said.

Emanuel said any support for the festival garnered though the Shakedown is appreciated.


Ba-Ba, a 13- year-old chihuahua is dressed in a pastel blue dress at Seersucker Shakedown, Friday, June 3, 2016.

The film festival has seen growth in entries and participation in recent years in addition to the growth of Oxford and the University.

While the money raised through the Shakedown was needed, the funds are only a fraction of the total budget needed to host the growing annual event, according to Oxford Film Festival Executive Director Melanie Addington.

Addington said the film festival will have more fundraising opportunities leading up to the event in February of next year.

Volunteer Kim Chrestman said she continues to help with events like Seersucker Shakedown because it benefits the film festival and brings people in Oxford together.

“I get to meet a lot of new people, and it’s fun,” Chrestman said.