Students encouraged to register to vote

Posted on Oct 5 2012 - 1:49pm by Lacey Russell

With the presidential election a little more than 30 days away and the deadline to register to vote in Mississippi set for Saturday, students at The University of Mississippi are encouraged to register today and Friday in the lobby of the J.D. Williams Library from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Students may register to vote in Lafayette County rather than by absentee ballots in their home districts by providing a physical mailing address either on campus or in Lafayette County.

Volunteers will be on hand to assist students in registering for the first time or filling out forms to transfer their registration.
Amy Mark, associate professor of information literacy and an instruction librarian at the J.D. Williams Library, organized registration efforts on campus.

Mark encourages students first to register, then second to vote this November.

“Along with our rights and privileges comes the responsibility of voting,” Mark said.
“People may think that it may not affect the outcome, but it doesn’t matter – you still have to take the responsibility for trying.”