Space is something I want more of most weeks. It’s hard to scratch the surface of some topics with 700 words and a week of writing. This semester, I rehashed exclusivism, marijuana prohibition, freedom, what love is and so on. Before I go, I have some final thoughts. The column on marijuana prohibition was cut for space, but we should note the measure to legalize...

I’ve had a curious relationship with Ole Miss since I began seeing her in adolescence. One of the earliest memories I have of her is how she looked when Florida came to Oxford in 2002. I remember all of her admirers being elated to call themselves her Rebels that day – and I began to admire her as well. I wanted to see Ole Miss more, so September of 2003 it...

I was unaware that Greenville, Miss., is the “Hot Tamale Capital of the World,” but all of Camp Looking Glass found this out last Saturday afternoon when we attended the town’s Hot Tamale Festival. At Camp Looking Glass, each counselor is paired with a camper at functions. Mine is Antoine, a familiar face for a lot of people in this part of the Delta....

I imagine Ole Miss herself singing in my ear about her problems with racial equality when I hear the song “Ooh La La” by the Faces: “I wish that I knew what I know now … When I was younger.” In middle school I wrote a report on James Meredith detailing his admission to The University of Mississippi. I was old enough to be writing about a...

  Aside from abandoning all preconceived notions of an object and then experiencing it in person, we experience all persons, places and things as ideas. While reflecting, a father can experience the idea of his son by distinguishing his appearance from others either by thinking of the time and interests the two have shared or by remembering the last conversation he...

Three weeks ago I met Pat Ward, the preacher presiding over The Orchard, a Christian Methodist church in Oxford, for coffee. During our conversation we spoke of his church, the doctrine of Christian Exclusivism and the value of faith. Ward was a good sport, letting me play Nietzsche with him and granting me permission to print the results. When I speak of “Christian...