Newly released film “American Made” sells excess and luxury, but it has little to offer under its surface. “American Made” is based on the true...

Cartoon by Jake Thrasher ...

On March 8, 2017, The Daily Mississippian published an opinion piece titled, “The CIA, your smart TV and you,” that is riddled with fallacies and inaccurate...

The op-ed “Secret Surveillance: The CIA, your smart TV and you” makes some extremely inaccurate allegations that the students and faculty of the Center...

I have long dreaded this day. I was hoping that it wouldn’t come, but it’s here. It’s time to don our tinfoil hats, because it looks like that crazy...

Between President Obama’s limited release of a memo outlining drone policy and John Brennan’s Senate Intelligence Committee confirmation hearings, drones are all over the news this week. Drones are unmanned aerial devices that allow for either targeted strikes or surveillance, and they have altered the way the war on terror has been fought. While drones have been newsworthy,...

In President Obama’s first term, 300 drone strikes killed an estimated 2,500 people. Drone strikes are a powerful tool in the war on terror, but they are also a tool without rules. The New York Times reported yesterday that in the weeks before the presidential election, the Obama administration was scrambling to create guidelines for the use of drones. These rules...