If you talk to me or read many of my columns, you’ll know that I consider myself a strong Democrat. While I still feel this way, there has always been...

No other country, with no other citizenry, has seen the productive capabilities of the diverse masses expand the livelihood of the common person more than...

In my column two weeks ago, I wrote on the inadequacies of the United States Congress — its slow pace, its arrogance and its interesting work schedule....

BY TRENTON WINFORD tgwinford@bellsouth.net In 2010, Florida pastor Terry Jones announced that he would burn Qurans on the anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks by al-Qaida. This announcement sparked outrage around the world, particularly in Muslim countries, where riots and murders were the normal response to a simple announcement of intention to burn the Quran. The civilized...

The state of Illinois is really bleak, as Governor Pat Quinn delivered the State of the State address on Wednesday. For starters, Illinois is facing a $95 billion pension crisis to go on top of the nation’s worst budget ranking. Add gun crime in the state’s largest city, union strikes and a grumbling Democratic base, and things are not looking peachy for Illinois. So...

The Ole Miss College Republicans and the newly reformed Ole Miss College Democrats offer every student on campus the chance to become active early in the political process. Sophomore political science major and College Democrats President Sean Higgins is one of many students taking advantage of the political organizations on campus. Higgins said that he used to be a Republican,...

Last week Democrats had a chance to come together in massive numbers in Charlotte, N.C., to host our national convention from Sept. 4-7.  I had the distinct pleasure of making the trip with the Mississippi delegation. This year we were treated to powerful party leaders and quite a few upcoming stars, from primetime speakers such as Michelle Obama, Julian Castro, Elizabeth...