Presidential Candidates Barack Obama, Joe Biden: Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan: Virgil Goode, Jim Clymer: Gary Johnson, James P. Gray: Jill Stein, Cheri Honkala: Barbara Dale Washer, Cathy Toole: NO WEBSITE FOUND United States Senate...

I mean, really though, who didn’t laugh at Joe Biden’s derisive reactions during the vice presidential debates? Probably Republicans, now that I think about it, but if you’re not a Republican, I bet you were having a grand time. When Obama or Romney make snarky remarks to each other, my friends and I start laughing because we’ve finally got a glimpse...

Hopefully, many of you watched this year’s series of presidential debates on television. I have not been able to catch all of them; however, I have seen the majority, including the vice presidential debate. One facet of every evening that caught my eye was the lack of civility the candidates had towards one another and towards the moderator. In the first debate,...