Christopher Gipson, a detective with the Magee Police Department, has been charged with a misdemeanor in connection to a gun being fired on the Square...
Bail has been denied for a former Oxford police officer charged in the killing of a woman with whom he was romantically involved.
News outlets report...
A court document shows a north Mississippi police officer has been charged with murder in the death of a woman he was romantically involved with.
Jeff McCutchen will prioritize increasing dialogue in the community as Oxford Police Department’s new interim police chief.
McCutchen, a New Albany native,...
The University Police Department has established a Campus Safety Committee with the Associated Student Body in response to vehicle-pedestrian accidents...
The Oxford Police Department has teamed up with various auto shops – including Southland Body & Paint Shop, Neal Hodge Automotive Innovations, Oxford...
This story is being updated throughout the day.
Oxford Police Department officers discovered explosive devices and modified weapons inside a home on South...
The Oxford Police Department released photographs and a statement on Tuesday offering details about an attempted kidnapping that took place near campus...
Collection sites at the Oxford Police Department and the University Police Department will be open from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m this Saturday as a part of National...