Vladimir Putin: president of Russia, president of a country with a GDP of roughly 12 percent of America, president of a country teetering on totalitarianism...

On Saturday, August 31, President Obama requested congressional approval for a limited strike on Syria in response to an alleged chemical attack carried...

This week, the role of the United States in the Syrian civil war has taken a new direction. The Syrian civil war, a largely sectarian conflict waged between...

BY TIM ABRAM toabram@go.olemiss.edu The last few weeks for the Obama administration have been scandal laden to say the least. The Department of Justice, led byAttorney General Eric Holder, is currently investigating itself per request of President Barack Obama to determine why exactly phone records and emails of Fox News and Associated Press reporters were subpoenaed....

President Obama appeared before Congress Tuesday evening to deliver a State of the Union address reaffirming his commitment to a progressive second term. As Washington remains deeply divided, the president made it clear he is prepared to bring his proposals to the American people if Republicans continue to obstruct his agenda. The middle class was once again center stage...

Between President Obama’s limited release of a memo outlining drone policy and John Brennan’s Senate Intelligence Committee confirmation hearings, drones are all over the news this week. Drones are unmanned aerial devices that allow for either targeted strikes or surveillance, and they have altered the way the war on terror has been fought. While drones have been newsworthy,...

Last Sunday night millions of people were watching the Super Bowl. My professor gave me an assignment to watch it and write down my favorite commercial. This was the first time I had ever watched the Super Bowl. At first, I just paid attention to the commercials because of the assignment. I didn’t totally understand the rules of football. so it was hard to engage in...

After accepting student and faculty nominations, the Common Reading Experience committee has narrowed its list of contenders down to six books. The final decision will be made in about two weeks. The Common Reading Experience committee is in the process of selecting a book for this fall’s incoming freshmen at The University of Mississippi. The committee will be choosing...

BuzzFeed reporter Andrew Kaczynski observed that with gays possibly in the Boy Scouts, comprehensive immigration reform emerging in the House and Senate and with women in combat, this week has been one of the worst weeks in Rick Santorum’s entire life. As the American people continue to progress, the Republican Party insists on moving in the opposite direction. Although...

On Jan. 21, I rolled out of bed at 4 a.m. and was on the Metro headed to Capitol Hill by 5. Then began the hours of long lines, a handful of security checkpoints and, for some of us, a brief nap on the grass of the Capitol grounds. When President Barack Obama finally came to the podium, I expected his speech to be a routine, somewhat nauseating, politically-motivated plea...