WARNING: SPOILERS BELOW AMC’s critically acclaimed television series, “The Walking Dead,” returned to television last Sunday night with a brutal...

Bye summer; hello fall. Fall brings a plethora of great holidays, but most importantly, Halloween. This means candy galore, popcorn balls and procrastinating...

WARNING: Spoilers Sunday definitely felt like the “Last Day On Earth” for me as I anxiously waited for 8 p.m. so I could finally sit and brace myself through the heart-pounding season six finale of “The Walking Dead.” After what was an excellent, nerve-racking and nightmare-inducing second half of the sixth season, the AMC showrunners finally treated us with...

WARNING: SPOILER ALERTS- If you haven’t watched AMC’s “The Walking Dead” mid-season premiere yet, do not read further. You have been warned. When “The Walking Dead” midseason premiere came on at 8 p.m. as I lazily ate my reheated dinner on the sofa, I hardly looked up. I had just finished watching the midseason finale, which aired the hour before, and I was...