If you lost your phone, how would you feel? Would you feel like you almost lost your whole world? Would you feel like your daily life had been disrupted?Would you feel that you needed to get another one immediately and that you couldn’t live without it for another minute? These were my feelings when I lost my phone last Friday. I left it on the couch in Farley Hall for...

Recently, the Shanghai and Beijing water pollution has drawn attention from all over the world. The rapid economic growth of China is impressive, but the environment hazards are shocking. China’s pollution growth has been a serious issue for decades, especially in recent years. The big lake in my hometown (Kunming, Yunnan Province, China) has been polluted by the factories...

“Where are you staying in the United States?” “Mississippi.” Every time I answer this question, people give me a dropped jaw. Especially when they see my Asian face. When I was buying a souvenir at Universal Studios’ gift shop in Los Angeles, the cashier saw my Mississippi driver’s license. He was so excited and said that it was one of the few state driver’s...

Last Sunday night millions of people were watching the Super Bowl. My professor gave me an assignment to watch it and write down my favorite commercial. This was the first time I had ever watched the Super Bowl. At first, I just paid attention to the commercials because of the assignment. I didn’t totally understand the rules of football. so it was hard to engage in...

Last week, I pushed my flight back a day so I could go to D.C., to watch the inauguration. I felt I was so close to the big event. I didn’t want to miss it. There were so many people from all over the country in D.C., that day, I couldn’t even get close to the Capitol. When I heard the national anthem, the voice and the rendition were very beautiful. The singer was...

International Education Week at Ole Miss takes place around the second week in November every year. The Ole Miss Office of International Programs hosts this event for international and American students. It welcomes all the students to experience different cultures. A lot of international student associations and countries represented on campus participated in the event...

I have been in the U.S. since August 2011. Since then, I have been to two football games at Ole Miss and three NBA basketball games in Memphis. I still remember the first football game I went to last September against BYU. American sports enthusiasm was beyond my imagination. It is odd to me that people can spend several days driving across the country just to watch a...

This past Sunday, Oct. 28, was the most important feast on the Muslim calendar, Eid al-Adha festival, the Feast of Sacrifice. By commemorating this event, Muslims are following the footsteps of prophet Ibrahim, who showed willingness to obey Allah (God) in everything, even if he was to slaughter his own beloved son. What a great privilege it is to feed and help the needy...