A few tips for surviving the stress of finals week

Posted on Nov 28 2016 - 8:01am by Mikala Turner

It is the first week back on campus after Thanksgiving break, and people are not very happy about it.

They had an entire week to relax or catch up on work, and they have replenished their bodies with mass amounts of turkey and stuffing, but now realize they must come back to reality.

The actuality is that we are in the final stretch of the fall semester, and everyone seems to be freaking out. We have one week to prepare for those dreaded last exams, and I bet a lot of students here on campus are already doing the math to see what grade they must make on finals to get through their classes with a decent grade.

There is also a level of etiquette that diminishes here on campus around finals week.

People tend to start moving faster and with that they tend to do things like never saying “excuse me” when they bump into people, falling asleep in odd places all around campus and even stop caring about their bodies.

Some students resort to depriving themselves of basic needs — like sleep and food. People get so stressed out that they forget to eat. They are up all night studying.

One of my past professors once told us a horror story of a student who got so stressed out about finals that he forgot to shower that whole week.

For the sake of yourself—and everyone around you with working nostrils—please do not do any of these things.

I get it; finals are stressful.

There is nothing about that fact that is ever going to change, so why should you put enormous amounts of stress on your body?

I am not saying do not study.

I am not saying do not spend a majority of your time studying.

I am just urging you to keep in mind that other people are going through the exact same thing you are and that you should work to make their lives easier during these stressful weeks, too.

With that, all students here on campus should try to go by a few rules of etiquette this week.

First, do not hog an entire table in the library. Everyone needs their space, but one person taking up an entire table meant for four is a little extensive.

Second, do not rush people when they are ordering at Starbucks or in line for Chic-fil-a.

Most of the time, they are just as crunched for time as you are, so remember that. Lastly, just be kind to people.

We are all stressed, but a little bit of kindness can change a person’s entire day.

Do not let the stress of finals ruin you. Be the person who makes another’s day better.

Mikala Turner is a sophomore social work major from Bruce.