Hall of Fame ceremony honors student leadership

Posted on Mar 7 2016 - 1:02pm by DM Staff Report
From top left: (Photo by: Kamera Griffin)

These students received the highest leadership award the University gives to students, induction into the Hall of Fame. (Top from left) William Kneip, Joe Curry, Rod Bridges, Jeremy Coleman, and Justavian Tillman.  (Bottom from left) Ann-Marie Herod, Elizabeth Wicks, Maia Cotelo and Debra Whitley. (Not pictured, Brady Bramlett). (Photo by: Kamera Griffin)

The 2016 Who’s Who Among Students Among American Universities and Colleges honored 150 seniors Friday in the Gertrude C. Ford Center. Among these, 10 students were inducted into the University of Mississippi ‘s most prestigious leadership honor, the Hall of Fame.

The 2015-2016 Hall of Fame members embrace after receiving their awards Friday. (Photo: Kamera Griffin)

The 2015-2016 Hall of Fame members embrace after receiving their awards Friday. (Photo: Kamera Griffin)

Brady Bramlett, Rod Bridges, Jeremy Coleman, Maia Cotelo, Joe Curry, Ann-Marie Herod, William Kneip, Justavian Tillman, Debra Whitley and Elizabeth Wicks are the 2015-2016 Hall of Fame inductees.

These students come from a range of backgrounds that have afforded them the opportunity to stand out as leaders among their peers. The students were chosen based on  community service, academic achievement and potential for future success.

Bramlett is a biological science major from Memphis, Tennessee and pitched on the baseball team as well as performing in the UM Concert Singers group.

Bridges is a public policy major from Madison who served as the 2016 Associated Student Body president.

Coleman is a biological science major from Jackson who served as chief of staff for the Black Student Union and treasurer for the UM Gospel Choir as well as being a member of the Columns Society.

Chancellor Jeff Vitter and Jeremy Coleman speak after the award ceremony for the 2016 Hall of Fame. (Photo by: Kamera Griffin)

Chancellor Jeff Vitter and Jeremy Coleman speak after the award ceremony for the 2016 Hall of Fame. (Photo by: Kamera Griffin)

Cotelo is a triple major in international studies, economics and mathematics from Oxford. She is a founding member of REBELthon and was the Portuguese Outstanding Student of the year.

Curry is an accountancy major from  Stringer who is a member of the Columns Society and served as president of the UM National Pan-Hellenic Council.

Herod is a journalism and African American Studies major from Abbeville who served as vice president and president of the  Association for Black Journalists as well as community service director for the Black Student Union.

Kneip is a public policy major from Mobile who was elected Mr. Ole Miss this year.

Tillman is a general studies major from Bruce and president of the Black Student Union.  Tillman is also president of the UM Gospel Choir and a member of the Associated Student Body Inclusion Committee.

Whitley is an integrated marketing communications major from Natchez. She is a member of the Sally McDonnell Barksdale Honors College and the Black Student Union.

Wicks is an international studies and French major from Ocean Springs who served as a senator for the Sally McDonnell Barksdale Honors College, the Associated Student Body and the Croft Institute.


Members of the 2016 Hall of Fame pose with Chancellor Jeff Vitter, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Brandi Hephner-Lebanc and Provost Morris Stocks. (Photo by: Kamera Griffin)

Members of the 2016 Hall of Fame pose with Chancellor Jeff Vitter, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Brandi Hephner-Labanc and Provost Morris Stocks. (Photo by: Kamera Griffin)

Here’s a full list of the Who’s Who honorees:

Hillary Ake, Bjad Almutairy, Kaitlin Aspinwall, Jack Badger, Ethan Baker, Destinee Ball, France Beard, Silas Beebe, Alexandra Bensel, Mary Katherine Berger, Robert Bobo, Mary Bracken, Denae Bradley, Allison Bradshaw, Robert Bramlett, Rod Bridges, Lauren Briscoe, Brianna Burse, Kristin Buskirk, Brittany Byrd, Melissa Capocaccia, Alix Cawthon, Brittany Clark, Laura Cline, Jeremy Coleman, Mary Chandler Cossar, Maia Cotelo, Joe Curry, T’Keyah Davis, Anne DeLee, Daniel Drummond, Emily Duhe, Maggie Durnien, Mary Alex England, Callie Entwisle, Austin Ezell, Katherine Farese, William Fisher, Madeline Friedmann, Hunter Gabbard, James Galloway, Terrian Garvis, Kristina Gautier, Cassidy Gills, Alexandria Gochenauer, Whitney Griffin, Melissa Griffith, Colleen Haadsma, Maggie Hall, Dana Hanley, Gretchen Harknett, Cynthia Harris, Jamille Hartfield, Ann-Marie Herod, Claire Hick, Mary Hitt, Tanetra Howard, Erin Hudnall, Lauren Hughes, Austin Ivy, Kaylee Jacks, Carole Jennings, Mary Kakales, Su Kim, Sara Kiparizoska, Logan Kirkland, William Kneip, Sabrina Kosloske, Lindsey Landrum, Mary Langford, John Larkin, Joseph Latham, Elizabeth Leary, Elizabeth Lee, Mallory Lehenbauer, Michelle Ley, Caroline Loveless, Kevin Mahalak, Mary Martin, Natalie Martinez, Chastity Massengill, Gabrielle Matthews, Haley McFall, Jennifer Miller, Mary Morris, Jacqueline Morris, Amber Murphy, Quinn Murray, Gabrielle Mykytyn, Vinayak Nahar, Heather Neilson, Abigail Newton, Allison Nooe, Matthew Oellerich, Tori Olker, Madison Osias, Vivian Paris, Lyda Phillips, Anna Leigh Phillips, Paul Pohto, Mary Portera, Mallory Pullman, Allison Ramsey, Claire Rearick, Joseph Rebentisch, Chandler Rhea, Brandi Rhoden, Emily Richmond, Alexandra Robbins, Hart Robbins, Rachel Robertson, Julie Roher, Elizabeth Romary, Paige Rucker, Georgia Russell, Kelsey Sanders, Kelly Savage, Emily Sharpe, Shawn Wesley Skinner, Kelly Smith, Brownlee Smith, Ryan Snow, Laura Speights, Alexander Spradlin, Kristen Stephens, Anna Grace Stout, Ann Sutton Teichmiller, Sumudu Tennakoon, Madisen Theobald, Jamie Thomas, Justavian Tillman, Jenny Tran, Rose Turner, Regan Tyler, Pierce Vaughan, Joella Vaughnn, Olivia Vinzant, Camille Walker, Katelin Wallace, Katie Wegener, Anna Lee Whisenant, Debra Whitley, Elizabeth Wicks, Summer Wigley, Michael Wilkerson, Rachel Wilson, Logan Wilson, Payton Winghart, Kathryn Wright, Ruth Zegel