How to: Beat the post-spring break blues

Posted on Mar 19 2018 - 7:56am by Lexi Purvis

After fighting off winter gloom, spring break blooms into the lives of students everywhere. Tragically, spring break comes and goes in a blink of an eye, and after a week of partying on the beach or relaxing on a staycation, it’s important to have a game plan to beat the post-spring break blues.

Plan ahead

It’s much easier said than done. After a week of putting school completely out of mind, some anxiety is inevitable as the mundane routine of classes creeps its way back into everyday life. A good way to ease some of that anxiety is by taking a couple minutes out of your Sunday and writing out a schedule for the week. Visualizing a list of to-dos will help settle the dreadful feeling of playing catch up.

Start something new

Emily Hoffman

Take this time as a chance to start over. Spring break generally falls around the middle of the semester, and it’s never too late to break old habits and create new ones. Maybe you didn’t get the spring break body you hoped for, but this is a great time to get back into the gym and start the transformation. This even applies to academics. Perhaps you just checked your midterm grades and your parents aren’t exactly thrilled about them. The good news is there’s still ample time in the semester to turn things around by adjusting study habits. This is a great point in the year to make that lifestyle change you’ve been thinking about without the pressure of keeping a New Year’s resolution or looking like the cast of “Baywatch” for your trip to Destin.

Call your parents

Emily Hoffman


They’ll appreciate knowing you’re still alive after spending the previous seven days driving countless hours to Miami and back with your friends or traveling through Europe. Being away from the normal routine of life is often a necessary break, but it can leave you a little disconnected from your family. Nothing is more comforting than reconnecting with your parents and letting them know how much you appreciate them.

Plan for the summer

Now that break is over, it’s time to find something else to look forward to, and that can be done by starting the countdown to summer. If you’re not exactly sure what your plans are for the summer, then start making a plan so you can have something to work toward and be excited about. It’s hard to go through the motions of everyday life without looking forward to anything. Apply for that internship or study abroad in a country you’ve always dreamed of. Now is the time to start making moves for summer, because before you know it, summer will be here and the spring break blues will be completely forgotten.