Andrew Cedermark comes to Lamar Lounge on Wednesday night

Posted on Jul 16 2013 - 2:49am by Emily Crawford

Hailing from the New York lo-fi tape scene, Andrew Cedermark couldn’t have picked a better town than Oxford to make a stop Wednesday, July 17 at 9 p.m. This is just another stop on his current tour of the South that heads to Athens next.

His second album, “Home Life,” is set to release today, and Cedermark has successfully given a voice to all the townies out there who struggle with that ambivalent feeling of knowing it’s time to grow up, but are not entirely sure what that means.

With his 2012 album, “Moon Deluxe,” receiving an 8.2 on Pitchfork, it’s no surprise that Cedarmark’s upcoming album has received good reviews from music critics.

“Home Life” is exactly what the listener is expecting due to the album’s title, in a familiar and reassuring way. Cedermark’s ability to show listeners what he calls home, including experiences and memories, turn into a mirror of the listener’s life and the feelings they struggle with. Tracks like “At Home” and “Memories, Ah,” are an ode to that place we all have deep in our hearts. Though Cedermark’s lyrics are so personal, it is easy to relate to the disappointment most find in their hometowns coupled with the way we cherish the memories and the people there.

With the success of Oxford-native band Bass Drum of Death’s new self-titled album released last week and their show at Proud Larry’s Friday, Oxonians have continuously made it clear that there is a deep respect for those who can play a bar with simple chords and simple lyrics. These musicians thrive because audiences know that it is just, simply put, damn good music.

And Andrew Cedermark is no exception.

Though Cedermark’s newer music is different from his previous indie punk band, Titus Andronicus, his turn to indie melancholic rock has been a move in a good direction.

A direction that makes “Home Life” great to listen to live and in your car.

Cedermark may have switched genres but his music sustains a vibe that keeps people listening.

Check him out Wednesday at 9 p.m. at Lamar Lounge.