Christmas store provides toys to kids

Posted on Nov 14 2013 - 6:51am by Gilly Dreyer

The Christmas Store, one of Oxford’s fine Christmas traditions, is gearing up for its 34th year of service. Sponsored by The Rotary Club of Oxford-Ole Miss and the Interfaith Compassion Ministry, the Christmas Store collects donations to help provide toys and gifts for children in Oxford and Lafayette County. Every holiday season the Rotary Club and the Interfaith Compassion Ministry team up in order to make the store a success.

“Last year we served over 800 children from over 325 families,” said Jonathan Maddox, Rotary Club service chairman and Christmas Store contributor.

The Rotary Club is an international organization with the purpose of bringing together business and professional leaders in order to provide humanitarian services, encourage ethical behaviors and build peace and goodwill throughout the world.

The local branch of the Rotary Club began in the fall of 2005 and officially received its charter as The Rotary Club of Oxford-Ole Miss on April 25, 2007.

Along with the Christmas Store, Rotary also currently supports the Power Sharing of Knowledge, Tunes and Tails and the Pantry: all of which are local community service projects.

The Interfaith Compassion Ministry has a similar mission. Funded by the nonprofit organization United Way of Oxford-Lafayette, the ministry is a consortium of churches that assists individual need through crisis situations, explained director Lena Wiley. The ministry strives to provide aid and support with certain basic needs such as rent, utilities and prescription drug programs in convenient locations for those in the community facing these challenging situations.

“The Christmas Store is under our umbrella because of our charitable status,” Wiley said.

Each year the Christmas Store receives applications from schools, churches and the Interfaith Compassion Ministry for eligible children up to age 14. After the applications have been received, a committee of volunteers assembles in order to confirm need. Following this process, the parents of eligible children are invited to pick up a book and two toys per child.

The 2012 holiday season was a great success for the Christmas Store.

“Participation from the local community is just as important as monetary contribution,” Maddox said.

The Christmas Store provides many ways and opportunities for Ole Miss students and the Oxford community to get involved.

“Monetary donations are a great need in order to cover the cost of the two toys and one book that we purchase for each child,” said Maddox.

Dec. 7 is the sorting and preparation day and the big event is on Dec. 14, both of which are in need of volunteers.

The Christmas Store is an easy way to bring Christmas to everyone around Oxford.

 -Gilly Dreyer