Library Ambassadors to host poetry slam

Posted on Apr 9 2014 - 8:04am by McKenna Wierman

Courtesy of the JD Library

Cool vibes, snaps and student poems –– all that and more is what awaits at the Library Ambassadors sponsored poetry slam this evening at 7 in the Student Union Ballroom.

The poetry slam is being held in honor to celebrate the month of April which is recognized in the United States as national poetry month.

Several students plan on attending the poetry slam; some to support friends as they share their work with an audience, others to earn a few extra credit points assigned in classes, and still others simply to enjoy the satisfaction of hearing a good poem read out loud, exactly as it was meant to be its author.

Library Ambassadors had sign-up tables set up in the Union during lunch hours April 2-4. Those lucky enough to grab a spot at the poetry slam were invited to read their personal works aloud to an audience and to nationally recognized judges, Shaniqua Wesley, Emily Cooley and Chiyuma Elliott.

One freshman education major, Alex Tubb, is eager to attend the slam with friends.

“I think it will be fun to go with friends,” Tubb said. “I am honestly most excited for the pizza.”

Integrated marketing communications freshman Taylor Cook is excited about the poetry.

“I think it will be interesting to see the variety,” said Cook. “I’ve always loved poetry, and I am excited to be a part of a community where there are people interested in the same things.”

Library Ambassadors is a student-led organization, founded in the fall of 2012. Originally, the group consisted of a mere 33 members, but hopes to grow significantly in the coming years. It hosts a number of literary events and strives to raise awareness on library services and events, as well as create a stronger connection between the J.D. Williams Library and the student body at Ole Miss. All events, which include musical events, open mic nights, library tours and poetry slams, are determined and planned out by the students who participate in the organization.

“This is our first event like this, and we are all very excited to be presenting a poetry slam,” president Jessica Marshall said. “We have been waiting to put on an event like this for a while.”

Marshall sees the poetry slam as a way of connecting the entire Ole Miss campus, no matter what literacy level or academic focus. Marshall believes this event should bring together all different people under one cause: spoken word.

The Library Ambassadors also hope the event helps to increase awareness of the library and all its functions regarding students and the community.

“We hope to inspire students to find out more about the library and its services,” Marshall said.

The event is open to the public and will last until about 9 p.m. Free pizza will be provided to those who attend, and prizes will be awarded to those participants who earn first, second or third place in the poetry slam.

-McKenna Wierman