This week, the role of the United States in the Syrian civil war has taken a new direction. The Syrian civil war, a largely sectarian conflict waged between...

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama worked on Monday to persuade skeptical lawmakers to endorse a U.S. military intervention in civil war-wracked...

During George H.W. Bush’s first term, America had the opportunity to take Saddam Hussein out of power. Instead, the forces were ordered to cease after...

Growing up, most of us can recall our parents admonishing us not to waste food by claiming that there are starving kids around the world who would dream of having that food. Although children rightly roll their eyes when they hear this because the food cannot get to the starving, our parents do have a point. There are starving children around the world who desperately...

Hard work, dedication and determination are some of many characteristics that led a man from rural Mississippi to the the Oval Office. Daniel Roberts, public policy leadership junior at The University of Mississippi, landed an internship at the White House this semester that puts him one step closer to achieving his dream of success. The selection process entailed rigorous...

President Obama delivered his State of the Union address Tuesday night, and since then many media outlets have fact-checked what he told the nation. Most sources found that Obama did quite a bit of cherry picking and provided some doctored numbers in his annual speech. Let’s look at one of his first claims of the evening: “After years of grueling recession, our...

President Obama appeared before Congress Tuesday evening to deliver a State of the Union address reaffirming his commitment to a progressive second term. As Washington remains deeply divided, the president made it clear he is prepared to bring his proposals to the American people if Republicans continue to obstruct his agenda. The middle class was once again center stage...

Last Sunday night millions of people were watching the Super Bowl. My professor gave me an assignment to watch it and write down my favorite commercial. This was the first time I had ever watched the Super Bowl. At first, I just paid attention to the commercials because of the assignment. I didn’t totally understand the rules of football. so it was hard to engage in...

The last months of the year are known for the release of a slew of Oscar-bait movies. One of the most buzzed-about movies going into this awards season was “Zero Dark Thirty,” director/producer Kathryn Bigelow’s vision of the 10-year manhunt for Osama bin Laden. Anyone not living in an isolated compound in Abbottabad will know how this movie ends. In addition to...

For lawmakers, Jan. 1, 2014, is a monumental date looming in the ever-nearing future. That date is when the majority of the measures under the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare as many Mississippians refer to it, will take effect. Among other things, this date marks the deadline for state lawmakers to come up with their own health insurance exchange programs and have them...