The 2012 presidential election is less than a week away, and the deciding factor could once again be the youth vote. Some students at Ole Miss are aware of each candidate’s positions and strengths, but they are still in the process of deciding for whom they will vote, based on different aspects of the candidates’ platforms. Freshman theatre major Jasmine Hawkins,...

We celebrate the 50th anniversary of integration at Ole Miss this year. This anniversary happens to take place four years after the nation watched the man who would become the first black president debate his opponent right here in Oxford. We should all take a moment to appreciate just how far our nation and community have come. We’ve evolved dramatically in the...

By and large, Amnesty International does good work. They represent the downtrodden and oppressed all over the world and bring attention to otherwise unknown human rights violations. Having said that, in a case currently before the Supreme Court, Amnesty International may have unintentionally blocked future plaintiffs from bringing cases about the U.S. government’s...

I mean, really though, who didn’t laugh at Joe Biden’s derisive reactions during the vice presidential debates? Probably Republicans, now that I think about it, but if you’re not a Republican, I bet you were having a grand time. When Obama or Romney make snarky remarks to each other, my friends and I start laughing because we’ve finally got a glimpse...

I’m going to ask you a series of questions that will help determine where you fall on the ideological spectrum from a survey that I recently found. Do you believe that the poor need to be taken care of? Do you believe that homosexuals should have the same basic rights as heterosexuals? Do you believe that everyone should have access to health care? Chances are...

Mr. Winford, Before you write an article concerning Obama’s “Lies”, it would be best to make sure that your argument actually makes sense. Your assertion that Obama lied about only raising taxes on millionaires and billionaires is flawed due to the fact that one does not need to make a million dollars every year to qualify as a millionaire. In fact,...