Young Buffalo: touring and recording

Posted on Aug 30 2013 - 7:52am by Michael Prestwich

Oxford’s Young Buffalo plays an exciting brand of eclectic, feel-good pop music that grabs the listener from the first few chords. Guitarist Ben Yarbrough, bassist Jim Barrett, keyboardist Will Eubanks and drummer Andrew Guinn collaborate to create infectious melodies, driving rhythm and catchy song lyrics, crediting Yarbrough and Barrett for the latter.

The band’s two EPs, “Young Buffalo EP” and “Young Von Prettylips,” feature songs that suck you in from the very start. From the reggae-like beats that open up “Nature Boy” to the pop-fueled call and response of “Full Metal Whacket,” these Oxford natives have created music to keep you going during late-night study sessions. Currently working on a new album, with both title and release date to be announced, Young Buffalo’s new album will feature their familiar sound that fans have fawned over but will also showcase a more mature, experienced band.

“We are definitely experimenting more. We have a few songs that don’t sound like anything we have done before,” Yarbrough said.

He said the band “has a lot of new songs to sort through and choose from” and that they should get into the studio soon. The band’s plans for the new album are evident in the maturity of their work.

“I guess it’s still definitely poppy, but we have been experimenting with more intricate drum and guitar work, and the lyrics have gotten way more personal. Our first stuff was more just good-time party music, but the new album touches more on who we are,” Yarbrough said.

Barrett echoed Yarbrough’s sentiments.

“We are in the process of writing it, but things will obviously change; but there are less harmonies, little more straight forward as far as like rhythms and whatnot. It’s more straight-up rock but still definitely pop-oriented … It’s a little more grown-up, a little more mature,” Barrett said.

Yarbrough was hesitant to say what the overall influences of the band are.

“Me and Jim combine all of our influences. We take drums, keyboards, guitar, and we just kind of assemble our thoughts into the music,” he said.

However, Yarbrough said Modest Mouse, The Smiths and Neutral Milk Hotel are some of his personal influences.

Studio work isn’t the only thing that has occupied the band’s attention, as they recently returned from playing a tour of small venues all across the U.S., mostly along the East Coast. Notable stops include New York, Chicago, Boston, Philadelphia and Minneapolis. According to Yarbrough, Chicago was the band’s best stop, where the band performed a sold-out show to more than 400 people. This summer Young Buffalo also performed at The Lyric’s “Pool and Paddle Club,” which featured a huge above-ground swimming pool situated in front of the stage for patrons to soak in while soaking up the beats.

Young Buffalo came in toward the end of the event but stayed long enough to make an impression.

“It was a lot of fun; we got to play with a couple of great bands like E-Meter and Dragon Time,” Yarbrough said.

Young Buffalo doesn’t have any shows coming up in the immediate future, but check them out on Spotify. Or for those looking for a throwback way of finding Indie musicians, check out their profile at