A welcome from ASB President Davis Rogers

Posted on Aug 25 2014 - 12:15am by Davis Rogers

Ole Miss Rebels,


It is with great pleasure and pride that I am able to welcome everyone to the new academic year. Whether you are a returning student or a freshman, I am sure you are just as excited as I am at what the upcoming semesters have in store here at Ole Miss. We are all so fortunate to attend a place like the University of Mississippi where we can look forward to each fall.

To our incoming students, you will remember what I told you at orientation: your freshman year could not come at a more exciting time. We can all agree that the University of Mississippi is gaining a reputation for being one of the best places to attend college in the entire country. Simply take a look at our academic programs, student body and athletic programs, and you will see that this is true.

The freshman class will also recall the challenges that face our campus as a result of recent events during the past year. The actions of a few individuals on this campus have hurt and offended members of our family – students that should be welcomed and feel safe as they spend their time at this university. In recognition of this, student and administrative leadership have dedicated themselves to not only making sure that each student here is welcome, but also appreciated as a valuable member of our community.

With this in mind, I have committed my term to making this a reality. Over the next academic year, Associated Student Body leaders including myself will dedicate their time to making sure we provide an outlet for voices and concerns to be heard. Leaders in the executive branch such as Vice President Emerson George and I have made it our duty to be available to any and all students at a moment’s notice. If you ever have a problem or an idea, or just want to find a way to get involved on campus, our offices on the third floor of the Student Union will be open as a safe place to sit down and talk with one of us. If we are in class or otherwise unavailable, our contact information can be found on the ASB website.

This fall, the ASB will be teaming up with the Student Activities Association to put on two university-wide events aimed at getting students involved, while simultaneously promoting a more inclusive environment for our campus. Together, we will be hosting the second-annual Creed Week, which is a week filled with events to reaffirm the campus’ commitment to the University of Mississippi Creed. This event was started last year by President Gregory Alston, and culminated with university leadership and thousands of students signing a copy of our university creed. In addition, we will be hosting the inaugural Rebel Day, which returning students may remember as a key part of my campaign platform. This event will be held in the Grove, and is designed to give students an opportunity to interact with and learn about every student organization that Ole Miss has to offer.

Of course, the challenges we face are more than any student organization or I can solve on our own. More important than student leaders or the events we host are the actions of every individual on this campus. This campus is truly enriched by the involvement of its students, and that is why our goal as an organization is to make sure every student has an opportunity to share what he or she has to offer to this community. Without the involvement of students like yourselves, our work can never be accomplished, and our goals will never be realized. On behalf of the entirety of ASB, I hope your next year on campus is the best that it can possibly be. I look forward to working with each and every one of you to make the University of Mississippi an even greater place.


Hotty Toddy,


Davis Rogers, ASB President