Do’s and Don’ts of Ole Miss Fashion

Posted on Aug 25 2014 - 12:15am by Kenya Ashby

At Ole Miss, style does not go unnoticed.  Whether a student is casually walking to class or stopping for a bite to eat in the union, their attire is sure to be observed by another student.   So here are some fashion dos and don’ts to help students take their wardrobe to the next level.


Fashion Do’s

DO make a statement with at least one item of clothing.

DO wear clothes that fit well.  They not only look better, but will make the wearer feel better, too.  Oversized clothes will only make a person look heavier, and too tight clothes will not do too much flattering to their figure either.

DO have your own style.  Different is okay.  Not being afraid to try new things is very important, and will help you stand out – in a good way, of course.  Having the same style does get old.

DO wear clothes that compliment the skin tone and bring a glow to your skin.

DO accessorize.  Accessories can either make or break an outfit.  Try adding a hat or a scarf to an outfit to complete the look.

DO wear a variety of colors.  Wearing the same color schemes all the time does not exactly make for a memorable wardrobe.

DO iron clothes.  Wrinkly clothes are not attractive and make you look sloppy.

DO layer.  Although it is hot outside, layering can take an outfit to another level, and can make any “old” outfit look brand new.

DO shop smart.  If an item is out of your budget, do not buy it. There are plenty of affordable, trendy items out there that definitely will not break the bank.

 DO keep an umbrella handy. With distant, limited parking and lots of rainy days, you’re going to need it!

DO match your accessories, but not too much!


Fashion Don’ts

DON’T wear Uggs in the summertime, especially with shorts.  These two items definitely clash and make the wearer of the clothing look as if they are having a hard time deciding between winter and summer.

DON’T wear oversized shirts and Nike shorts ALL the time.  Sure, they are comfy, but dressing up every now and then is nice, and it proves that there was actually some effort put into the outfit.

DON’T wear socks with sandals.  It is probably super comfy, but the look is just plain tacky.

DON’T wear too many bold items at once.  Choose one item to center the look around.  Do not be too distracting with the attire.

DON’T wear long-sleeved shirts with shorts and sandals.  This kind of ties into what was previously said about the Uggs.  Do not be summer and winter at the same time.  Pick one and stick with it.

DON’T wear Crocs.  They are so hideous, and honestly they should have gone out of style a long time ago.

DON’T wear or not wear something just because it’s in style. Trying not to be mainstream is still letting society dictate your wardrobe.

DON’T break the bank thinking that more expensive items equal better quality.  This is not always true.  Expensive articles of clothing can wear and tear easily, too

DON’T expose too much skin.  Showing a little skin is okay, but do not go overboard.

DON’T sag.  It is tasteless, and nobody wants to see another person’s behind.

DON’T wear sunglasses at night.  This is definitely not cool.

These tips are sure to help anyone having trouble sprucing up their wardrobe. These rules aren’t universal, the best thing to remember is to be yourself and let your style represent who you are.

-Kenya Ashby