Meet the editor

Posted on Apr 16 2015 - 8:46am by Brandon Lynam

Hi there, my name’s Brandon Lynam. I’m the Opinion editor for the 2015-2016 year here at the DM. I was born and raised in Knoxville, Tennessee, and I couldn’t be happier to have found a new home here at Ole Miss, where I’m currently a sophomore. In America, the farthest I’ve gotten from Southern culture has been going to Orlando once when I was about 14. The South has been my home since, well, since I was born into it. Although I’m not well-travelled in the States, that doesn’t mean that I’m bound to the South. I’m an international studies and Chinese double major, and I have been to China twice, three times after this summer. I might be physically grounded here in Mississippi most of the time, but I’m much more comfortable as a global citizen than as a citizen of the South. Now that we’ve gotten to know each other a little better, let’s talk about what I’m hoping to accomplish here.

I want to hear about what matters to you, and that can really include just about anything. This is The Daily Mississippian — a lot of the stories here are going to be specifically related to Mississippi (and even more so to Ole Miss), just as they should be and just as they have been. Events that we students have personally been affected by — the fire-and-brimstone pastor and the recent “die-in” protest both come to mind — have been met with mixed responses, and I want both sides to have a place where they can clearly articulate their stance.

I also want to continue discussion on hotly-contested issues: We need to talk about race relations, religion, sexuality and other deeply controversial topics. These topics obviously aren’t endemic to Mississippi, but they’re still relevant to us as college students that have come together from all different locations and walks of life to pursue higher education. These topics matter. Hearing from people with all different types of viewpoints on these complex and often confusing topics matters.

At the same time, I hope to bring a broader scope to the Opinion section. As an international studies major, I’m interested with people’s opinions on the Syrian civil war and America’s (lack of) involvement in it. What do people think about the growing implementation of spikes and sprinklers that prevent homeless from sleeping in certain public areas? Does the recent announcement that Russia has lifted its ban on supplying Iran with missiles scare you, or do you think it’s just an economically-motivated show of force? We as humans prefer not to look beyond the boundaries of our own personal lives. We don’t like to explore the unknown and unfamiliar. It’s a natural and instinctual phenomenon. But I think it’s wrong. With all of the access that we now have to the global stage, we have no excuse to not discuss issues that may not be relevant to us as individuals but are incredibly relevant to us as a whole.

I want to know what you, the reader, think. You don’t have to be an English major to have an opinion on these subjects. Above all else, I am looking for people that have something interesting to say. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that each and every one of you have recently felt so strongly on a topic that you have wanted to get your opinion out there — that you have felt truly inspired. Channel that inspiration towards writing a piece for the opinion column. Get your unique viewpoint out there by sending it to me at

Brandon Lynam is a sophomore International Studies and Chinese major from Knoxville, Tennessee. 

Brandon Lynam