Green Week’s Jammin’ for the Planet tonight at Proud Larry’s

Posted on Apr 22 2015 - 8:44am by McKenna Wierman


Ole Miss Students for a Green Campus will hold their annual “Jammin’ for the Planet” event tonight at Proud Larry’s. The event will start at 9 p.m. and will feature live performances by local bands Dan Jones and the Black Bears, the Growlars and Constantine.

Georgia Norfleet, the outreach chair for Students for a Green Campus, has spent the past few weeks focusing on getting the word out about the event through social media, posters and word-of-mouth. Norfleet said she’s excited about how the event has come together and is proud of the efforts of the members of Students for a Green Campus.

“Planning ‘Jammin’ for the Planet’ is a collaborative effort from all of us,” Norfleet said. “Our chair, Chandler McKinley, has worked closely with the owner of Proud Larry’s to book our event space, while our finance chair, Dean Ramsey, has worked to keep us all in budget. Sailer Perkins, our secretary, is organizing volunteers to help promote the event at a table in front of the Union early this week, and so on.”

Norfleet said anyone interested in learning more about Students for a Green Campus, expanding their environmental awareness or just looking for a fun place to hang out tonight should come by Proud Larry’s to check out “Jammin’ for the Planet” or check out the Students for a Green Campus at the Student Union.

“Students can get involved with (Students for a Green Campus) by coming to weekly meetings on Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. in the Union,” said Norfleet. “We will also be out in front of the Union today at the Sustainability Fair for Green Week!”

Norfleet said the funds raised at “Jammin’ for the Planet” will go towards projects both on the Ole Miss campus and in the Oxford community. Norfleet said any project, either on campus or within the community, any money that is raised by the organization can go towards a multitude of various projects.

“We support the Green Fund, which works on projects such as the hydration stations around campus that reduce the use of plastic water bottles,” Norfleet said. “Our funds go towards presenting new proposals to the Green Fund as well.”

Other current projects aimed toward bettering the environment around Oxford include highway clean-ups and gardening at Willie Price Lab School every Wednesday and Friday from 3-5 p.m. Students for a Green Campus also helps to promote a healthier Oxford community by educating youth on eating well and growing nutritious foods at home. Norfleet is proud of the good works Students for a Green Campus has accomplished throughout the community.

“We work with Real Foods for Oxford Schools to educate kids about eating a wholesome diet,” Norfleet said. “Two weeks ago we helped Oxford High School’s Food Club start their garden, where cabbage, carrots and other vegetables were planted. Last weekend we built a greenhouse for an after-school program in Jonestown, Mississippi.”

On campus, Students for a Green Campus helps out with recycling at baseball games and in the Grove. They are even working on starting a bill for biodegradable campaign stickers with the Associated Student Body.

Students for a Green Campus works especially hard this Green Week promoting more environmental awareness and calling attention toward their efforts to bring about sustainable change around campus, according to Norfleet.

“Everyone should come!” Norfleet said. “The members of (Students for a Green Campus) will be there, but we encourage all members of our community to come out!”

Tickets are available at the door for a suggested donation of $5.

McKenna Wierman