New Sleigh Bells album ‘Jessica Rabbit’ will bring out the hipster in you

Posted on Nov 16 2016 - 8:01am by Hannah Willis

A lot of times, when first listening to a new song or album, I’ll imagine it as a movie soundtrack. For the Sleigh Bells’ new album “Jessica Rabbit,” that movie would have to be an angst-filled teenage drama where a female protagonist finds love and heartbreak in the big city.

However, this girl is no average babe. She has to have a killer wardrobe, maybe some tattoos and the perfect eye roll. Teenage drama is nothing new, and neither is “Jessica Rabbit,” but that doesn’t mean it’s not enjoyable. If you’re unfamiliar, the musical duo Sleigh Bells has nothing to do with Christmas. Trying to go caroling with their music would definitely get the cops called on you.

As with all of their music, expect a lot of breathy vocals that are hard to understand with aggressive accompanying music. This group has never sought to be mainstream, and that theme continues with “Jessica Rabbit.”

Sleigh Bells newest album brings 14 songs that pretty much sound the same, which is great if you like their sound. The vocals for most songs sound like straight-up Christina Aguilera circa early 2000s and are often undecipherable. Expect the beats to create most of the energy.

At times, “Jessica Rabbit” feels like a fight between the music and vocals. They’re both loud and don’t always make sense, but blast it on the dance floor, and you might not care.

If you make room for one song, make sure it’s “I Can’t Stand You Anymore.” It’s a genuinely good song where the music and vocal pairing are the most cohesive and give the best listening experience. Even if alternative music isn’t your thing, “I Can’t Stand You Anymore” can still appeal to the average listener, but in all honesty, this album will not be for most people.

Descriptions of the musical duo Sleigh Bells often use words like “experimental” and “unique.” Those words might not attract the majority of the Ole Miss student body, but this album might find a home in our small but strong alternative culture.

So now I ask you: Do you find yourself at The Blind Pig on Monday trivia night? Is Shelter your second home? Have you spent many Thursday nights at Proud Larry’s with 30 of your closest friends? If so, please check out “Jessica Rabbit,” or at least listen to a couple songs.

Because of the heavy beats, this could be an incredible workout album. The strong rhythm will keep you on beat even when your muscles are screaming for you to stop. With Thanksgiving Break and finals, there might not be time right now in your busy schedule for “Jessica Rabbit,” and that’s OK. However, when six weeks of break are staring you in the face, spending some time with some experimental pop might not be so terrible. If this isn’t your normal thing, just listen to a couple of songs really quick. What’s the worst that could happen?

“Jessica Rabbit” might not win a Grammy, but that’s fine. Go into it with an open mind, and you might be impressed. At the minimum, it will give you an appreciation for the music you already love. Then throw on a flannel and a beanie, because Sleigh Bells might awaken the inner hipster you never knew was there.