International students are crucial to our campus

Posted on Nov 30 2016 - 8:01am by Pradnya Lange

Every year, the University of Mississippi undergoes its competitive and selective admissions process.

Our admissions team evaluates ACT scores, SAT scores and GPAs of thousands of students.

As per the university’s “Facts & Statistics” record, enrollment has shot by a monumental 38 percent in the last 10 years.

Retention rates have substantially increased from 80.8 percent to 86.5 percent.

As success rates of students have increased, it is important to remember the success and impact international students have had at the University of Mississippi.

Enrollment statistics by ethnicity and heritage showcases our diversity. For instance, as per the fall 2015-2016 statistics, a total of 800 students enrolled were Asians, 41 were Pacific Islander and 428 were of two or more races.

The global engagement office makes every international individual here feel welcome and secure enough to showcase their identity with pride in their background.

The foreign student population sees warmth and friendliness from Ole Miss, and it is something that we value greatly.

Living on the other side of the world from your parents takes a massive step of confidence.

This step is also a crucial one because coming into a foreign country and not knowing a lot about the place is alarming.

It is not easy to room with a complete stranger, try to understand the history, lifestyle and traditions of the United States while balancing two languages, if that person is not a native speaker of English.

His or her college degree might not be a way to find a job, but a ticket to alleviate poverty.

International students come to this campus for opportunity in a new society, and they make great contributions to this campus at the same time.

It is important that we remember the strengths and benefits they bring our campus, and all members of our community should seek out new ways to meet and interact with our international student population.

Pradnya Landge is a sophomore computer science major from Bombay, India.