Sunday sale alcohol sales bill passed

Posted on Feb 19 2014 - 9:24am by Chekarey Hailey
Mike Poole works the bar at the Blind Pig. (Photo/Jared Burleson)

Mike Poole works for the Blind Pig.
Jared Burleson I The Daily Mississippian

The Oxford Board of Aldermen yesterday passed 9 to 1 a bill to allow restaurants to sell alcohol on Sundays from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m.

Alderman Janice Antonow voted in favor of the bill, and she acknowledged restaurants for being patient thus far.

“I want to thank the restaurants that have been open on Sunday’s without alcohol sales.  I want to thank them and continue to patron them,” said Antonow before voting began.

Mayor George “Pat” Patterson expressed concern that the increased access to alcohol could lead to negative outcomes.

“This will be the last thing I will say about this. While I support (restaurants) being open on (Sunday) I fail to see after the actions this past weekend how this will benefit,” said Patterson, alluding to the vandalism on the University of Mississippi campus on Sunday morning.

The lone nay vote came from Alderman Ulysses Howell, who was concerned that drinking alcohol on Sunday could affect work performance on Mondays.

The bill will take effect 30 days after approval by the Alcoholic Beverage Control.

Chekarey Hailey