Political discourse in the United States is a sham. The American people have devolved discussion on complex issues into 140 characters, fear-mongering and the most trivial of memes.
People, both in the media and out, no longer pursue the truth. American discourse as a whole is an echo chamber of “alternative facts” that are sought out of convenience rather than truth. The American people are getting what they deserve – a presidential administration that is based on fear and zero responsibility.
There was no true victory possible in the 2016 presidential election. Donald J. Trump is a loud-mouthed demagogue who made absurd promises, doesn’t live up to the principles he sets and speaks of women in an abhorrent manner.
On the other side, Hillary Clinton repeatedly proved her incompetence as secretary of state, lying to the American public about the intentions behind the Benghazi attacks, while also being completely careless with information related to national security. Clinton was perhaps just as bad of an option for president, even if it was less obvious.
That is not the point, however. People do not care about the truth. They want to call people names and feel good about themselves. The internet allows people to insulate their conscience with ideas that reflect their system of values. People believe what they want to believe, rather than sacrificing their pride in lieu of the truth.
The right is filled with fear-based arguments about immigration and terrorism, while the left is infected with smug moral superiority, which preaches “tolerance” but fails to tolerate ideas that do not fit its worldview. Apologies to those reading this in their “safe space.”
Even the so-called “truth” is more murky than ever before. Major media outlets clearly pander to one side of the political spectrum in the desperate plea for ratings. This creates an atmosphere in which people looking for the truth have to read between the lines. A 2014 Pew Research study suggests that Americans truly are becoming more polarized.
It does not help that discourse has been reduced to 140 characters in this Twitter world. Complex issues are being dumbed down to memes and straw-man arguments. It is impossible to have an intelligent discussion on anything because of character limits, the ability for other people to jump in on discussions, as well as the shield of a computer screen to protect the person spewing his or her agenda.
It is much easier to call somebody pro-choice a “murderer,” or declare anybody pro-life to hate women’s rights, than it is to delve deeper into issues. The computer screen provides an environment where people talk at each other, rather than to each other.
This is how the world has reached a point where terms like “alternative facts” can be said un-ironically by the White House press secretary.
This is how a man who preaches fear, shows complete disrespect to women and “leads” with complete disregard to the Constitution can end up in the White House.
Facts do not matter, only feelings.
People would rather feel good about themselves than fix any real problems in the world. This is the new America. Welcome to the meme generation. The American people are getting what they deserve.
Matt Barnthouse is a political science minor from Carmel, Indiana.